Folake Olowofoyeku Weight Loss As She Seems Skinny On CBS Series Bob Hearts Abishola

Publish date: 2024-05-07

Folake Olowofoyeku weight loss is due to her improved diet and exercise. Folake as Abishola appears slender on Bob Hearts Abishola. 

Born in Nigeria on 26 October 1983, Folake is an actress and a musician. She is the voice behind the priestess in the video game, Vader Immortal.

Standing at 5 feet 11 inches, the actress attended Igbinedion Education Centre and Vivian Fowler Memorial College. She graduated from Oxbridge Tutorial College.

Olowofoyeku moved to the United States to live with her sister at the age of 18. She earned a B.A. in theatre from City College of New York and was a basketball player.

The 39-year-old actress started her acting journey from off-Broadway theatre. She debuted on TV as Felice Falafafull in the video titled Protesters.

Following that, Folake has starred in 'Law & Order', 'How To Get Away  With Murder', 'Etheria', 'Death Race 2050', 'Modern Family', and so forth.

However, Olowofoyeku earned prominence for her recurring role as Abishola in the 2019 series, 'Bob Hearts Abishola'.

Folake Olowofoyeku Weight Loss And Diet

Folake Olowofoyeku weight loss transformation is triggered by a healthy diet and regular exercise. Folake has been diagnosed with endometriosis.

Olowofoyeku Before And After Pictures

There is a significant difference in Olowofoyeku's pictures before and after her weight loss transformation.

She looks chubby and cute in the photograph on the left. However, her body appears more toned and slender in the right one.

After changing her lifestyle and food habits, the once-plump actress has come to perfect shape. She also looks wholesome in the recent picture.

Folake Healthy Diet Plan

Folake does not devour everything in one go. Instead she eats small portions every two hours and restricts herself from foods after 6-7 p.m.

A planned and improved diet has helped her become slender. Due to the transformation, she looks more radiant and active than she was in the past.

Folake prefers homemade food to junk ones. In 2019, she shared a picture of jollof rice & dodo and promoted it via her social media account.

Jollof rice is made by cooking rice, tomatoes, onions, spices, vegetables, and meat in a single pot. Dodo refers to sliced and deep-fried plantains.

Since the quarantine, Folake has done Liver Rescue Cleanse 3:6:9 at home. She posted a picture of celery juice, red apples, and cucumber in September 2020.

It involves following a strict food plan for nine days with Day 1 being the easiest and Day 9 being the most challenging. The last day of the cleanse involves drinking juices for the whole day. 

Folake Workout And Selfcare Routine

Olowofoyeku does not have a go-to exercise or a workout routine but does what she loves the most.

She goes on hikes and rides bicycles around her neighborhood. The actress loves boxing and playing basketball but gets shin splints every time.

In 2020, the actress tweeted a video from her hike in Big Sur. She was in a sporty dress and looked refreshed by the adventure.

Folake is into self-care and relaxes by getting in-home messages, going to spas, doing transcendental meditation, or listening to soothing music.

Folake Joined Bob Hearts Abishola In 2019

Folake Olowofoyeku became the lead actress in the CBS sitcom, Bob Hearts Abishola, in 2019.

Talking with CNN, she revealed that the audition for Abishola was easy. She just memorized the lines, found her character, and represented a relatable personality.

The series tells a story about a businessman falling in love with his cardiac nurse. Bob, who owns a sock company suffers from a heart attack and is rushed to Woodward Memorial Hospital.

The divorced businessman gives his heart to the nurse, but she has other concerns. Abishola is a full-time nurse working to feed her family and take care of her son.

Folake's Co-Star Billy Gardell Weight Loss

Billy Gradell who plays Bob in 'Bob Hearts Abishola' has also lost multiple pounds of weight.

The actor was fond of junk food, smoking, and alcohol. In 2019, when the TV sitcom was first released, Gradell was a big man and weighed around 360 pounds.

However, after changing his diet and lifestyle, Gradell lost more than 140 pounds. He is now more slender and fit as compared to a few years ago.

'Bob Hearts Abolisha' co-actors, Gardell and Folake melted some weight and become toned months after each other. 

Folake Olowofoyeku Relationship With Food

Folake has a tough relationship with food and she believes that a human needs less food but more nutrition.

The actress enjoys her homemade meal but she avoids junk food as much as possible. She does not eat past 6-7 o'clock and eats small portions for a few hours.

Olowofoyeku is a food advocate and she is a voice for food for people in need. During the 2020 pandemic, she tweeted on Twitter about the food crisis and urged people to help.

The 39-year-old has a guilty pleasure, and it is chocolate. She loves Quality Street Chocolates which come in twelve different varieties and can be custom-made.

Olowofoyeku Transformed After Coronavirus Pandemic

Foleka transformed completely after the coronavirus pandemic but she hassled during it.

According to WebMD, the 39-year-old did not work out or prep her meals before covid-19. However, when the world went into quarantine, she changed her lifestyle.

The actress consumed less junk and prepared her lunch and dinner. Also, she started riding a bicycle, going on hikes, and doing light exercises at home.

Feloke Is Diagnosed With Endometriosis

Olowofoyeku was recently diagnosed with endometriosis but thought she had it as a teenager.

She used to struggle with excruciating pain during her monthlies from the start. While growing up, she would lose 5 pounds of weight every time she had a period.

Due to Nigeria's shapeless health care system, the disease was not diagnosed earlier. In endometriosis, similar cells that line the uterus wall grow outside of it.

The condition also causes extreme pain during menstruation and can cause infertility in women.
