Mjolo Pandemic: Saffas Sharing Ideas on How to Deal with a Break Up, Block Him

Publish date: 2024-05-07

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South Africans are now turning their focus to sharing ideas regarding matters of the heart. This comes after one stunning lady dropped a question on what is the best way of dealing with a break-up.

The beautiful @KabzShaz might have been experiencing tough times in dealing with a separation or perhaps asking for a friend, but she is receiving all the reactions from Twitter users.

The ever-sympathetic Mr Smeg believes she should find a shoulder to cry on and some say she should look within and find a hobby to distract her mind. She captioned her post with a broken heart:

“Guys, what's the next step after break up?”

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The post reads:

@MichaelBucwa, aka the infamous Mr Smeg, said:

“Get yourself a shoulder to cry on.”

@VDhlozi said:

“Find a hobby, mostly gym comes handy in such cases & find something that will make you money.”

@IamIqili said:

“After you both calm down, the one who ended a relationship needs to contact the dumpee and arrange where and when will seat down and talk comfortably so that you both have closure.”

@NgoashengAngel said:

“Block them everywhere, delete and move on.”

@3rdWave8 said:

“Stage 1, trash talk them with your friends. Bawl your eyes out. Stage 2 be a motivational speaker, some look for a rebound, it's up to you. Legends go straight to stage 3, look for a hobby that gives you money and go to the gym for a revenge body.”

@Mbu_Sbu said:

“Why do you break up vele? Yaz nina ni weak too much.”

@Diodata_1389 said:

“Oh you're not alone. Ever cried like you've lost your beloved to death? Yeah that's me.”

Mjolo: Girlfriend says she spent the day with bae but he has no idea

In a story related to umjolo, Briefly News reported that a confused South African man has just gone online to share an interesting post regarding his girlfriend.

The man says his lover recently bragged about spending good times with him. @_Luyolo_Mpiti_ says the lady has posted an update as far as their relationship is concerned, but it seems to be news to him.

The account holder explains that the only option was to ask his mother if he had ever left the family house on that day.
