Hoverboard price in South Africa in 2023: What does the cheapest one cost?

Publish date: 2024-05-06

What is a hoverboard? This is a two-wheeled, electric, portable device with a platform for its user and lithium-ion batteries to power it. Commonly known as a self-balancing scooter, it is used for mobility like bicycles, skateboards, or rollers. This may sound like science fiction, but these devices are a reality. But how do they work? What is the hoverboard price in South Africa in 2023?

Why are they called hoverboards? People call self-balancing scooters hoverboards because of the sensors that help them stay balanced. There is a little more to these devices than their strange name and appearance. So, if you are considering acquiring one, get to know the hoverboard price in South Africa and everything about the device.

How much is a hoverboard in South Africa?

Hoverboards entered the market in 2015 and have gained immense popularity, especially among kids. This device is generally used for transportation and is the popular term for self-balancing scooters. The device functions as a scooter without handles or other means of balancing beyond its gyroscope.

How much does a hoverboard cost in SA?

The device's cost entirely depends on the specific features and size. Typically a cheap hoverboard price can go as low as $100, while the price keeps increasing as the specifications improve.

Pretty decent hoverboards in South Africa cost between $300 and $600. However, some high-end hoverboards can cost even more than a thousand dollars.

What determines the price of a hoverboard?

How do hoverboards work?

They work by having the rider apply pressure with their feet to control movement and speed. The device consists of the following five components:

1. Gyroscope

This device measures or maintains orientation and angular velocity. It adjusts the tilt of the device to maintain balance.

2. Microprocessors

Some tiny processors regulate the power output to the wheels. The sensor detects the wheels' rpm (revolution per minute), further sensing it to the gyroscope.

3. Battery

A sizeable high-watt lithium battery stores the electric power to keep it moving. While boards come with different battery packs, most feature 36V 4400mAH batteries.

4. Motor

It provides power to the wheels to keep the rider balanced and upright. The device becomes more efficient with more energy.

5. Logical board

This is where the hoverboard's processor calculates the status of the board, the ride speed, the tilt of the wheels, and the relative speed in real time. The logic board also manages settings. For instance, the device can be in beginner mode to limit its maximum speed.

These components work hand-in-hand to offer the necessary power output and manage the tilt so the rider stays balanced and can move at a controlled speed.

Safety tips for hoverboards

Can hoverboards go uphill?

Most hoverboards' gyroscopes allow them to go uphill with their incline assist function. Therefore, riders must only apply their weight forward; the board will balance them and get them uphill.

What is the average hoverboard speed?

Most of these devices will travel between six and ten miles per hour, with their speed reaching a ceiling of around 12 miles per hour.

Are hoverboards suitable for 7-year-olds?

Hoverboard companies recommend ages eight and older. Before this age, a child has not developed the requisite motor skills to stay safe on the device. Additionally, hoverboards for kids have different max speeds: anywhere from about 6 mph to 9 mph.

What factors to consider when buying a hoverboard?

Are hoverboards safe?

There is no doubt that hoverboards are super fun, but there are also some risks involved.

Are hoverboards easy to operate?

The ease of hoverboard operation depends on speed. If a hoverboard is slower, it will be easier for a beginner and someone with decent balance.

What is the normal price of a hoverboard?

A decent device ranges between $300 and $600. This price range will score you excellent battery life, fast charge times, long range, and a tremendous maximum top speed.

Is a hoverboard worth buying?

Hoverboards are extremely easy and fun to ride, thanks to being equipped with several advanced gyroscopes and sensors. These self-balancing scooters are great for running errands around town or sightseeing.

What age is a 6.5 hoverboard for?

It is comfortable for kids eight years old and above, allowing them a more enjoyable ride. These hoverboards have a 12 km/h maximum speed.

Is riding a hoverboard good for you?

Hoverboards help you keep your back straight as you engage your core, helping to improve your posture simultaneously. It gives your body a complete workout from head to toe without feeling too exhausted or overwhelmed.

Above is everything you need to know about the hoverboard price in South Africa in 2023 and how they operate. They are the latest and most incredible inventions in two-wheeled adventures.

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