Check Out Best Tiki Taka Possession Tactics For FIFA 23

Publish date: 2024-05-02

The tiki-taka possession tactic is one of the most famous attacking tactics in FIFA. It’s a possession based system that can be used by teams to play an attractive brand of football, in order to dominate their opponents and win games.

The tiki-taka tactic focuses on dominating possession, playing short passes and moving the ball around the pitch until you find an opening to score a goal.


You can’t score goals if you don’t have the ball. If you want to play a possession style of football, you will need your defenders to help with that. This means encouraging them to play high up the pitch and apply pressure on opponents.

The best way to do this is by using “marking” as their primary responsibility and then setting them up with other responsibilities such as “pressure”, “cover shadow”, and “covering the angles”.

Defensive line: The defensive line is one of the most important aspects of playing good defense in FIFA 23 Tiki Taka Possession Tactics for FIFA 23 .

Having an organized defensive line allows your players to stay connected throughout the game because they will always know where each teammate is located on the pitch at all times due their proximity while walking together during possession spells (see diagram below).


Tiki-taka is a possession tactic that involves controlling the ball using short passes, and keeping it away from your opponent. It was made famous by Barcelona, who won multiple trophies using tiki-taka tactics. In FIFA 23, you should choose formation which can help you utilize this possession style of play.

There are various formations that you can use for Tiki Taka soccer in FIFA 23. The first one is 4-1-2-1-2 formation.

This formation has three defenders at the back and two wingers on both sides of the midfield line with two strikers upfront as well as one attacking midfielder behind them all supported by two defensive midfielders in front of them all supporting each other while making sure they keep possession of the ball as much as possible whether it be through long balls or short passes until they get within striking distance before releasing a shot on goal.


Use Tiki Taka possession is not just about passing, it’s also about making sure that you have enough depth in your formation. When you play with a low defensive line and two holding midfielders, the opposition can easily outnumber you in the center of the pitch.

This will leave your team vulnerable to fast counter-attacks by opponents who are quick on their feet and good at dribbling past defenders.

The reason why I prefer using two wingers instead of strikers is that it gives me more options when it comes to playing behind the opposing team’s defense since there will always be space for them once we win possession back from them.


A squad that fits your tactics: You need to use a specific formation and team shape in order to get the most out of these possession tactics. If you want to play one of these formations, but don’t have all the players or are missing an important player, then you should consider changing your formation or squad until you have what you need.

A balanced squad: The best teams in FIFA 23 will be able to adapt their play when things aren’t going as planned. This means having players who can cover different roles on the field. So if you’re using this style of play, make sure that every position has at least two players who can fill it (for example if one player is injured).

Good chemistry: Your team’s chemistry makes them perform better together than with other teams with similar ratings. When choosing between two teams with similar overall ratings, always pick the one with higher chemistry!

It’s not easy finding squads featuring good chemistry so make sure everyone gets along before starting any game modes which require this attribute such as Tournaments and Leagues.”


Tiki Taka is a possession-based tactic in FIFA 23. It is also a high pressure tactic, counter-attacking tactic and passing tactic. Tiki Taka can be used with any team from any league or competition in the game.

In this guide we will look at how you can use tiki taka on FIFA 23 so that you can improve your gameplay and get more points with your team in matches.

Player Instructions

In FIFA 23, instructions are not the same as roles. They can be used to change a player’s behavior and make them more defensive or attacking. For example, if you want your striker to play more defensively and only look for crosses when he is near the box then choose “Hold Position” from the “Stay Back” category of instructions.

On the other hand, if you want him to always look for chances inside the box then choose “Run At Defense” from the “Move Into Channels” category of instructions.

There are also other categories that can help you tweak your players’ behavior even further such as creativity (like in free kicks) or decision making (such as on crosses).


Fullbacks are the most important players in tiki-taka, and as such they should be selected carefully. They are the ones who start the attacks and often dictate how our team will play.

Fullbacks should be fast and good in the air, which is why we want to get rid of any ball-hogging defenders on our squad (unless they’re good at dribbling and shooting).

Fullbacks are also responsible for pressing forward into midfield when there’s an opportunity, so it’s best to make sure you have one who can cross well, pass accurately under pressure, dribble well enough not to lose possession from time to time (especially if you’re playing as Barcelona), and shoot from distance if needed.

Center Backs

The center backs are the first line of defense. They should be tall, strong and have good passing, marking and tackling stats.

The best center backs can also play the ball out from the back with a long pass to start a counterattack. The best players in this position have high stamina levels so they can make many interceptions over 90 minutes.


The goalkeeper is the last line of defense and the first line of attack. The goalkeeper is responsible for directing the defense, organizing the defense, and distributing the ball to the defenders. He should be a good shot stopper and a good organizer of the defense.

A goalkeeper can play as an active defender or as a passive one depending on his team’s tactics. If you play with wing backs then your role would be similar to that of an active defender who tries to win back possession in key areas of attack such as half-spaces or central zones near box area when opponents have goal kick or throw ins etc.,

Also read; Check Out Best Formations to Dominate Opponents in FIFA 23

Defensive Midfielder (CDM)

The Defensive Midfielder (CDM) is a key component to Tiki Taka. The CDM will be the first player to receive the ball and distribute it to the rest of your team.

He must possess a high level of technical ability and be able to make quick decisions on his feet, all while maintaining possession at all costs.

When playing with a CDM in your squad, you should look for players who excel at passing out from pressure with their first touch, as well as players who can release through balls into space as needed.

A good way to position your CDM during build-up play is on either side, just behind your Striker or CAM so that he has an open lane ahead of him when receiving passes from them or other teammates further upfield

Central Midfielder (LCM)

This player is the most important part of your team. He should be able to pass, dribble and tackle effectively and should have a high work rate.

Central Midfielder (RCM)

Wingers (LW, RW)

Wingers are the players who play on the wings of the pitch. The wingers are usually the fastest players in a team and are often given freedom to roam around the pitch.

They are expected to provide crosses and passes for strikers or midfielders respectively when they cut inside, but can also attack directly themselves if there is space in front of them.

The best wingers tend to be good dribblers who can move at speed past defenders even when under pressure from multiple opponents; conversely, weak wingers will struggle to beat their man when opponents press them tightly together due to their lack of acceleration and agility.

Center Forward

The center forward is the main goal scorer for the team. The center forward should have high finishing, shooting and pace stats. He should be a fast player with good dribbling skills, who can play with back to goal.

You may also want to consider assigning him a target man role occasionally so that he can win balls in the air and bring them down for other players to finish off with their feet or head.


We hope you enjoyed this article on how to play Tiki Taka in FIFA 23. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We will be happy to answer them!
